Psychological Flexibility
The root concept underpinning Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Psychological Flexibility is the concept that sits in the center of the ACT Hexaflex. It is the quality of being that comes about as a result of developing competency in all 6 processes/skills outlined below.
The ultimate goal of ACT is to live a life rich with meaning, where meaning is defined by congruence with your own personal values. Having the skill of psychological flexibility is the ultimate tool in ACT that enables you to do this.
The interconnected, non-hierarchical organisation of the hexaflex means that you have great flexibility in approaching this task. You can start at any point on the diagram, and move to any other, in any order.
This is to say that, the order I have written below is nothing more than cosmetic. It is not a recommendation to start with Cognitive Defusion. If you wanted to start your ACT practice with Being Present for example, that would be an entirely valid option. So have a read through all of them, and if you feel motivated to start this journey, pick whichever seems the most approachable to you at this moment.
Your life's compass of meaning
You can define Values in ACT as "desired qualities of universal behaviour". On first hearing that phrase, it probably sounds like nonsense, but let's try and break it down:
Universal behaviour is, simply put, the way you behave in any situation, regardless of the external circumstances. Therefore, desired qualities of universal behaviour are the underlying principles that you want to motivate how you behave in any situation. How you want to show up in any given situation. What you want to stand for in life.
You can think of values like a compass that's guiding your life, helping you to know with confidence how to move through the world. And the beauty of values is that there is no external resource, book, or authority that is able to tell you what your values are. They can only be derived from within yourself.
Below are some resources you mind find helpful if you have not yet established a clear picture of your own values yet:
Committed Action
Acting in line with values
Being Present
Also known as 'Flexible Attention'
Dropping the struggle of avoiding difficult feelings
Also known as 'The Noticing Self'
Cognitive Defusion
Recognising that you are not your thoughts